Register To Vote
If you care about democracy, the best way to prove it is to vote. The US Midterm Elections are coming up, with many states offering early voting or mail-in voting, and, of course, all states offering Election Day voting on November 8th, 2022.
We want to make it as easy as possible for people to show how much they care about safeguarding democracy by voting in these Midterm Elections. To do so, you must be registered. So, we are partnering with one of the world’s leading technology platforms,, to make it easy for you and others to:
1) REGISTER to vote online (if applicable to your state), walk through the process to request registration forms (if applicable to your state), or find other easy registration instructions (in the few states left), and
2) VOLUNTEER to easily invite friends, family, and others to check their own registration status and/or to register. Our website will enable you to manage “teams” and keep track of those you have invited to register… kind of like in a “walk-a-thon” approach.
For more information on option “2,” please visit the “Volunteer for Voter Registration” page here on this site.